Section: Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Bilateral Contracts with Industry

Joint Lab Inria - Qwant

Fabien Gandon is director of the joint Lab Inria - Qwant

Intelliquiz Carnot Project

Participants : Oscar Rodríguez Rocha, Catherine Faron Zucker.

Partner: Qwant/GAYAtech.

This project ended in March 2018. It was a joint project with GAYAtech (acquired by Qwant during the project) on the automatic generation of quizzes from the Web of Data. It is a continuation of a former collaborative project with GAYAtech on the recommendation of pedagogical resources based on ontology-based modelling and processing. We developed an approach to generate quizzes from DBpedia and we experimented it on the geographical domain for primary school students.

Joint Lab EduMICS

Catherine Faron Zucker is the scientific leader of the EduMICS (Educative Models Interactions Communities with Semantics) joint laboratory (LabCom, 2016-2018) between the Wimmics team and the Educlever company. Adaptive Learning, Social Learning and Linked Open Data and links between them are at the core of this LabCom. The purpose of EduMICS is both to develop research and technologies with the ultimate goal to adapt educational progressions and pedagogical resource recommendation to learner profiles. During the second year of the project, we continued the deployment of Semantic Web technologies within the industrial context of Educlever, showing the added value of Semantic Web modelling enabling ontology-based reasoning on a knowledge graph. To continue our collaboration, we submitted a project proposal to the call for projects AAP Partenariat d'Innovation et Intelligence Artificielle; we successfully passed the first phase.

PREMISSE Collaborative Project

Participants : Molka Dhouib, Catherine Faron Zucker, Andrea Tettamanzi.

Partner: SILEX France.

This collaborative project with the SILEX France company started in march 2017, funded by the ANRT (CIFRE PhD) and UCA (post-doc). SILEX France is developing a B2B platform where service providers and consumers upload their service offers or requests in free natural language; the platform is intended to recommend service providers to the applicant, which are likely to fit his/her service request. The aim of this project is to develop a solution to link together service providers and consumers.

Synchronext Collaborative Project

Participants : Raphaël Gazzotti, Catherine Faron Zucker, Fabien Gandon.

Partner: Synchronext.

This project is funded by the ANRT (CIFRE PhD). Synchronext is a startup aiming at developing Semantic Web business solutions. The goal of this project is to develop a NLP and semantic Web based artificial agent for online support in the insurance domain. The objective is to reduce the dropout rate of Internet users on FAQs and to reduce the number of incoming calls and e-mails. This will enable to customer advisers to focus on more difficult questions. As a first step, we are working on automatically categorizing online requests to properly rout them.